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Persecuted Iranian Plumber Finds New Hope Through Life-Changing Support

When persecuted Christian *Hamid was forced to flee his home country of Iran he struggled...

Rabbi and Physics Prof. Both Point to Hand of God in Israel’s Escape from Iranian Missile Onslaught

After Iran's missile barrage earlier this month against Israel, many people who endured the explosions...

Brutally Beaten Egyptian Pastor Finds Safe Refuge

On his way home one night in Egypt Pastor Nimer was brutally beaten and his...

Hundreds Respond at Franklin Graham’s God Loves Your Tour in Poland

miHundreds responded to Franklin Graham’s invitation to put their faith and trust in Jesus at...

Rushing Aid to Sudan

miSamaritan’s Purse is sending urgently needed humanitarian aid to Sudan where 6 million people have...

Parents of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Gather for 10th Anniversary Service

miIt's been 10 years since the Chibok schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram militants in...

Single Father Encounters Christ-Centered Community at Family Retreat

miJoni and Friends Family Retreat provides a place where families living with disability can find...

Ukrainian Christian Leaders Tortured, Killed and Disappearing

miInto the third year of Russia’s occupation of parts of Ukraine, Christian leaders are being...

Rwanda Genocide Survivor: Rescued For A Purpose

miAs this month marks the 30th anniversary of the genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda...

Asbury Revival’s Impact One Year On

Kentucky's Asbury University recently marked one year since the biggest revival in more than 50...

Facing Rejection in Nepal After Choosing Christ

Pramila* has been rejected by her family and her husband in Nepal several times since...

Taiwan Earthquake Rocks Island Nation as Christian Charities Respond with Aid and Prayers

As Taiwan was rocked by it's worst earthquake since 1999 Christian ministries were quick to...
Todas las historias Todas las historiasÁfricaAsiaEuropaIndiaIsraelAmérica LatinaOriente MedioEstados Unidos

Según estudio el sexo prematrimonial desestabiliza al matrimonio

La cultura actual de las citas promueve la idea de que la experiencia sexual con...

Ex imán islámico encuentra a Cristo y enfrenta amenazas de muerte

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué sucede cuando el amor de Dios toca a un...

Perú: Marleny encuentra esperanza gracias a organización cristiana

Marleny se quedó sin apoyo para su hija Guadalupe, que vive con una discapacidad. Sin...

Retos y triunfos de los cristianos en la antigua Ruta de la Seda

Una travesía por la antigua Ruta de la Seda en Asia Central. Revive la rica...

Niño colombiano sobrevive a un ataque de las FARC

A los 10 años, Luis sobrevivió a un ataque de las FARC a su aldea...

Comunidades de fe se unen para ayudar a migrantes en la frontera de México

Mientras las autoridades y funcionarios buscan soluciones políticas y humanitarias a la crisis migratoria, existe...