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Iraqi Woman Faces House Arrest and Forced Marriage

When she became a Christian, Sara* experienced a miraculous escape after her father put her...

Cancelled artist who questioned puberty blockers takes legal action

A Christian artist in England is taking legal action against a local council after being...

Ani’s Syria Survival Story

Ani was horrified when her baby girl Maria was caught up in a bomb attack...

Communities Living in Fear in Uganda

In Uganda, attacks from Islamic ADF militants are increasing. But thanks to your prayers, local...

Providing Water Systems for Mexico

Samaritan’s Purse has given four water filtration systems to the military of Mexico for use...

Fired Christian Street Preacher Wins Settlement

A Christian teaching assistant has won a £7,000 legal settlement from a school in Leeds...

Gazan Teenager Calls for an End to the War

Over 625,000 children and teenagers from Gaza have been out of school for months, and...

Helping Homeowners Recover in Ohio and Indiana

Samaritan’s Purse volunteers are helping homeowners in Logan County, Ohio, and the Selma/Winchester area of...

Military Couples Celebrate Renewal in Christ

Alaska alumni were encouraged and strengthened together by the power of God’s Word during the...

Kyiv Messianic Jewish Congregation Hosts International Prayer Gathering Against Anti-Semitism

Annual International Prayer against Antisemitism and Nazism hosted this year in Kyiv, Ukraine took place...

Shoebox Gifts Remind Mexico’s Children that God Is Near

A mother and daughter in Acapulco, Mexico, praise God for the hope and joy they...

Finding Faith and Forgiveness in Frontera

Franklin Graham went to the U.S.-Mexico border to share a message of God’s love. The...
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