Marleny Overcomes Adversity y Finds Hope in Peru

Marleny Overcomes Adversity and Finds Hope in Peru

Marleny was without support for her daughter Gaudalupe, who lives with disabilities. Running out of hope, Marleny had nowhere to turn for help. That’s when Jesus came in…

A neighbor visited Marleny and told her about Jesus. The Good News strengthened Marleny to keep going, and she joined a local church. Through her church Marleny found out that Joni and Friends was coming to provide wheelchairs and other mobility equipment for people in the community.

At a Joni and Friends Wheels for the World outreach, Gaudalupe received a much-needed wheelchair, delivered and custom-fitted with love. And Marleny received renewed hope, knowing that God is looking out for her and her children.

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“I didn’t have a place to live. I’ve suffered a lot. My in laws hit me. They beat me. I reported them because they beat me. They told me I should let her die because in their family there is no one like my daughter. I wasn’t ashamed of her because she is my daughter.”

Around the world people living with disability and poverty face rejection and discrimination.

“She was born with Down syndrome. She has a broken hip, that’s why she can’t walk. Wherever I go I take her. And my family still fight with me. They don’t leave me in peace. They come to insult me and they leave. I’ve already reported them. Because they also attacked my daughters. I’m dedicated more to her. I stay with her because the other ones go to school.

“I change her, feed her. She can’t eat on her own. I lived depressed because I couldn’t support my daughters. I would always cry because I didn’t know how to bring them up.”

Millions are in need of freedom and dignity a wheelchair can bring.

“But Mrs Anita started talking to me. Should would encourage me. And then she spoke to me about God. I felt a relief which gave me more strength to keep working.”

Joni and Friends Wheels for the World provide life-changing mobility through custom-fitted wheelchairs.

“And recently Mrs Anita Vega told me about the church that’s here. Mrs Anita told me to go. This year I started going. I’m grateful because they gave me a chair for my daughter since she didn’t have one. I’ll be able to take her wherever I go because before I had to leave her since I had no way of taking her because I had surgery and she was heavy. I see it as a gift from God. He guides me wherever I go with my daughters. He always opens doors for me.”

Each wheelchair is given with the message of hope in Jesus.

“Thanks to you because you’re helping so many kids that cannot walk and they need it. To kids, like my daughter. My you always continue helping, adding your grain of sand because God will multiply it. May God give you more life and health to continue helping those who really need it.”

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