Major Gathering of Converts From Islam para Christianity in Iraq

Major Gathering of Converts From Islam to Christianity in Iraq

When someone converts from Islam to Christianity in Iraq it can spell a death sentence for them. Despite these risks an increasing number of men and women are taking this bold step, but at a serious cost of intense persecution and isolation.

Until they met recently for an Enduring Faith Conference, hosted by Christian charity Help The Persecuted, many of them had never even experienced any form of fellowship with fellow believers. Some said it was like emerging from a cave.

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Imagine facing torture and death for just five words… I believe in Jesus Christ?

That’s the case for many of those who met in Iraq recently for possibly one of the largest ever gatherings of converts from Islam to Christianity in the Middle East.

Nearly 100 converts from a Muslim Background came together for an Enduring Faith Conference – a multi-day discipleship intensive—hosted by Christian ministry Help The Persecuted.

Their field ministry director, Salam, explains why these conferences are so vital for these Christians who face extreme persecution and isolation:

“You know, it’s a hostile environment for everybody who chooses Jesus in that region. We equip them for this kind of life and how to share Jesus with others.”

Salam shares the remarkable story of one of the persecuted believers who has led several people to Christ as a result of attending one of their previous Enduring Faith conferences:

“The good news is, like one of the people who attended like two years ago, within two years he brought 12 people to the Lord and he is bringing them to to the conference. And actually we we’re baptizing one after the other. We had nine baptisms that took place this summer, and we’re very glad to see that the happiness, the joy on the faces of people and when they hear their testimonies, most of them, they said, I was living in a cave, in a dark cave.

“And now I see the light, you know? Yes. Who’s Jesus for you? What’s Jesus? Why did you accept Jesus? Why is he unique? They said, you know, he’s my real shepherd. He brought me from darkness to light. He’s my life. He’s the blood that goes in my veins. He’s everything. You know, he. He changed. He transformed me.”

And in response to the growing number of converts from Islam to Christianity throughout Iraq, Help The Persecuted is providing ongoing spiritual encouragement through a weekly online church fellowship, where these brave believers meet for worship, prayer and discipleship.

“Last year we started something called Online Church for those people because many of them are not churched, because churches do not exist in their areas and they love to worship together. So we started this meeting every Tuesday night and people are coming, you know, in groups like in their homes just to join and worship together. And also we have communion together.

“So the Lord is not only leading people, he is leading people to be leaders to lead others for Christ. Praise the Lord. Thank you. Without your help, nothing like that could be possible.”

Peter Wooding reporting for the Global News Alliance.

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