Dedication of Lincoln Jewish Memorial Stone para Remember y Reconcile

Dedication of Lincoln Jewish Memorial Stone to Remember and Reconcile

Christian ministry ICEJ UK is hoping their involvement in the recent dedication of the Lincoln Jewish Memorial Stone will help to not only remember the many lives of the Jewish people in the city in the North of England, but also serve to build bridges and reconciliation today between so many divided communities.

GNA reporter Peter Wooding was in Lincoln to capture this historic moment.


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More than 100 people gathered recently at the International Bomber Commander Centre in Lincoln in the north of England to remember not only the historic Jews of the city, but also the 600 Jews who died flying in the Royal Air Force in World War 2.

The Lincoln Jewish Memorial Stone was dedicated to remember those who died serving in the war as well as the many Jews who were imprisoned and executed 800 years ago on false charges. This Blood Libel and other atrocities eventually led to the expulsion of all Jews from England in 1290.

The UK branch of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem played a key part in making this memorial become a reality.  Their UK Director David Elms says it is part of their mandate to care for and build bridges with the Jewish community:

Not only do we want to bring comfort, to the Jewish people in honoring them, but we also want to be bridge builders.

That’s our goal. And we hope from this that we will build stronger bridges and links within the Jewish community.

Stephen Griffiths Leader of the Lincoln Independent Jewish Minyan says it’s very special to be able to remember the many lives sacrificed that had gone unnoticed:

So many people in the public don’t realize how many Jewish people took part in the war volunteer service and all of the armed forces, and therefore, so many of them lost their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice.

So to have somewhere that commemorates that and specifically the Jewish element of that is a wonderful thing to have.

Tim Collis, is memorial stone project co-leader and Regional Representative of the International Christian Embassy UK Branch and hopes this memorial will have a positive impact for many years to come:

For 800 years over the city, we’ve had silence. We’ve not had a memorial stone to the Jews who suffered terribly from anti-semitism. So we pray that this stone will speak. It’s a wonderful message of remembrance, reconciliation and hope for many generations to come.

Peter Wooding reporting for the Global News Alliance.

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