Air Raid Alert Opens Ministry Opportunity para Ukraine's Troops

Air Raid Alert Opens Ministry Opportunity to Ukraine’s Troops

When a team from Christian organization recently went to reach out to the soldiers serving on the front lines in Ukraine an air raid alert helped them to overcome barriers to get alongside the troops and share God’s love in action.

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A team from Christian organization Ants recently provided spiritual support to soldiers serving on the front lines in South and East Ukraine as well bringing vital aid supplies.

Team member Valera explains how an air raid siren opened up opportunities for them to minister to the troops as they took shelter in a basement:

“At the beginning guys are trying not to speak to you saying ‘we are not interested.’ Igor has started playing the guitar but then they heard on the radio that an air strike is coming and we have the command to go to the basement and Igor started playing the guitar in the basement. And after that we were praying about the guys and the situation changed and they started to talk with us. And we understand that is how God is working with the soldiers.”

And as God continues to work through the ministry of Ants their teams are planning more aid and ministry trips to those on the frontlines in the coming months.

Peter Wooding for the Global News Alliance.

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