Stepping Up Ministry Efforts in es Midst of War in Lebanon

Stepping Up Ministry Efforts in the Midst of War in Lebanon

As a major escalation between Iranian backed Hezbollah and Israel has been taking place in the Middle East, Christian ministry Help The Persecuted is continuing to step up their efforts to meet both the increasing practical and spiritual needs of the persecuted Christians and other vulnerable people in Lebanon.

The country is a hub for Help The Persecuted because thousands of Christians, who have fled persecution in other countries, seek refuge there and are then supported by their Field Ministry Team.

Help The Persecuted’s team is seeking to be the hands and feet of Jesus by rescuing, restoring and rebuilding the lives of those suffering.


STRICT EMBARGO: This report cannot be broadcast in the Islamic world or the Middle East.

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As a major escalation between Iranian backed Hezbollah and Israel has been taking place in the Middle East, Christian MINISTRY Help The Persecuted is continuing to step up their efforts to meet both the increasing practical and spiritual needs of the persecuted Christians and other vulnerable people in Lebanon in crisis.

The country is a hub for Help The Persecuted because thousands of Christians who have fled persecution in other countries seek refuge there – and are then supported by their Field Ministry Team. With current events, people simply do not know what will happen—will there be full scale war, or will the conflict die down?

In response, Help The Persecuted’s team is seeking to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those suffering.

Field Minister Amin says their WAR refuge centre is housing families fleeing the conflict in Southern Lebanon, while their Seeds of Hope farm continues to feed thousands facing economic hardship:

The average of the salary in Lebanon was $800 – $900 per month, now it’s about $50 – 100 per month.  They have nothing. They don’t have money to buy any vegetables. And the vegetables are expensive here in Lebanon. It is not cheap. So, by helping people with vegetables it helps a lot.

In the midst of all the hardships, they are seeing the Lord using this situation to draw people to himself. Pastoral Care Team member Jalal said: “There is a greater openness at this time for others to know the Lord.” In every Emergency Relief Kit, their team puts a Bible. One day, a recipient said, “This is the most valuable gift you have given us.”

And, this past Friday, there was an event in which 1,200 people gathered to pray for Lebanon and worship God together. Amin preached the gospel, and over 90 people asked for prayer! He says it united them together to trust Jesus for lasting peace and hope in Lebanon:

All of them they feel the touch of Jesus in their hearts. Because we get a lot of feedback from them. One of them said to me: ‘We were starting to feel like we were dying, but they kept this spirit alive in us.’

Peter Wooding reporting for the Global News Alliance.

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