Thousands Gather para Pray for Peace Over Ukraine

Thousands Gather to Pray for Peace Over Ukraine

While the war in Ukraine has continued for more than 2 1/2 years now, thousands of Christians have united in prayer for peace over their country.

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The National Day of Prayer for Ukraine has been uniting Christians of different denominations for 9 years. Recently nearly 8000 people gathered at the Palace of Sports in Kyiv to pray for the nation.

Yuri Bereza Senior Minister at Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregations explains why it’s vital to come together in united prayer.

“At the end of this year, our congregation will celebrate its 30th anniversary. During the past 30 years both our pastor and our elders have always taught and encouraged us to serve for the benefit of the body of the Messiah and to cultivate unity. So, these are the principles we live by, believe in and pass on. We always participate in events like this.

We give it our best. We do everything we can and all that they ask of us whenever we participate in this initiative.”

And as the war continues across Ukraine Christians continue to stand together in prayer for God’s peace in their country.

Peter Wooding reporting for the Global News Alliance.

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