Day of Solidarity Between Romania and Israel

Day of Solidarity Between Romania and Israel

In the spring of this year, 2024, a law was enacted to establish May 14 as the Day of Solidarity and Friendship between Romania and the State of Israel. It is the date on which the modern State of Israel declared its independence. This decision reflects how relations between the two countries have developed over time. Also, for the Christian world, the law is an element of Romania’s alignment with God’s plan for Israel.

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The Day of Friendship and Solidarity between Romania and the State of Israel


Thumb: Special relationships in stressful times


INTRO: In the spring of this year, 2024, a law was enacted to establish May 14 as the Day of Solidarity and Friendship between Romania and the State of Israel. It is the date on which the modern State of Israel declared its independence. This decision reflects how relations between the two countries have developed over time. Also, for the Christian world, the promulgation of the law is an element of Romania’s alignment with God’s plan for Israel.


VOICE: In the spring of this year, 2024, the Romanian Parliament adopted the law to establish May 14 as the Day of Solidarity and Friendship between Romania and the State of Israel. The leadership of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania wanted in this way to formalize the special bond that exists between the two states, as well as the support that existed on both sides.


MP Silviu Vexler, President, Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania

I realized that we needed a legal instrument, so to speak, first of all, to allow this symbol to be properly marked at national level, and we also needed an official form, to show gratitude on the part of both nations for this link. This is how the bill that I initiated together with the Member of Parliament Ovidiu Victor Ganț was born, and it was successful and adopted.


VOICE: This was done at a very difficult time for Israel.


Deputat Silviu Vexler, președinte, Federația Comunităților Evreiești din România

I don’t know, maybe it was chance, maybe it was God’s will, I don’t know. It just so happened that the project was adopted at one of the most sensitive times possible. You see, even a nice gesture in ordinary times has a certain importance and in a difficult period it has a completely different importance. When it’s nice and going for a walk, everyone wants to be your friend. But you really realize who your friends and family are when you feel the pain. And if there was ever really a time for such a symbolic gesture at a national level, this period is the ideal time. My only regret is that there were colleagues, if I can call them that, in Parliament who behaved not reprehensibly, not disgracefully, but shamefully.


Reuven Azar, Israeli Ambassador to Romania

It is unusual and I think it represents the special relationships we have. We are very grateful. Especially the timing was very important because it happened at a time when there was a lot of criticism of Israel. The fact that Romania decided to celebrate with us this occasion, this relationship, was important for us, and everyone in Israel felt that very strongly.


Rami Teplitskiy, Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Romania

We have declared Israel Independence Day as the Day of Solidarity and Friendship between Israel and Romania. I think this friendship is incredible. It also relates to the friendship between the Jewish communities in Israel and Romania. Eight hundred thousand Jews lived in Romania before the Holocaust. Almost half were killed during the Holocaust. The other half and their descendants now live in Israel.


VOICE: MEP Silviu Vexler added that Romania’s gesture has had a great impact among Jews in Israel.


MP Silviu Vexler, President, Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania

What really impressed me was that a recording of the moment in Parliament was sent to some soldiers who are originally from Romania and fighting in Israel. The reaction of that unit when they saw this gesture and the singing of the two anthems in Parliament during a pause in the battle, they burst into tears.

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