The Blessing of Mobility and Faith in the Philippines

The Blessing of Mobility and Faith in the Philippines

Joni and Friends recently sent a team to the Philippines where they met Robby, who was born with cerebral palsy. Robby’s condition limits his ability to walk and be independent, leaving his family struggling with the physical and emotional challenges of caregiving. But despite the hardships that he and his family face, Robby is, as his sister likes to say, “a bundle of joy.” Just look at his smile!

And at their Joni and Friends Wheels for the World™ outreach, Robby and his family found greater reasons to rejoice than ever before. Not only did Robby receive his very first wheelchair, which will transform daily life for him and all those who love him; they also received the greatest gift of all—the Gospel! Now, with faith in Jesus, Robby and his family have hope that will endure through life’s challenges, and for eternity!


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Patricia – Robby’s Sister

Robbie is eight years old. He has a cerebral palsy. In his situation, he cannot walk. Cannot play. He cannot run outside. Sometimes I can see, he says that he wants to be like the other children. I can see that my mom is struggling with this situation of caring for him because he is growing. He is getting bigger. So that’s why she needs more support.

Robby’s Mother

When I’m giving him, he cannot control himself to participate or to cooperate with me. Even though is struggling in his situation. He is always smiling.

This is his first time having a wheelchair. We use the wheelchair and it will be easier for us to travel without carrying him. He can now travel. He can now go outside and play with the other kids.


I was inspired by those people who give us time to talk about Jesus. I can show you this bracelet that she gave me.

This bracelet shows this color. This color has symbols which the color black symbolizes in a sense. And the second one is the blood of Jesus. The third one is the white one, which symbolizes the removing of our sins. This bracelet gives me strength and faith in God, which I can always remember that no matter what happened in life, God will always be with us.

From now on, the wheelchair, I think, will be more convenient for Robbie. He can now go to the therapist without any struggles, without any difficulty in traveling.

Robby’s mother

I’m really, really grateful to have one of your wheelchairs that can help others. Like my son Robbie. I am very thankful. And I don’t know how to repay that blessing that you gave us.

It gives you more hope that God can give us more blessings. Thank you very much.

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