Helping Victims of India's Violence

Helping Victims of India’s Violence

In May 2023, deadly violence broke out in Manipur, northeast India, leading to much physical destruction and loss of life. As an Open Doors local partner, Abby* is committed to visiting God’s people, bringing comfort and practical aid. Here, she shares how Christians in the region are coping.

Open Doors Prayer News 298 (September-October 2023)

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*Name changed for security reasons

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Date: Sep 27, 2023

Story title: Helping Victims of India’s Violence

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Submitted by: Peter Wooding


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In May 2023, deadly violence broke out in Manipur, northeast India, leading to much physical destruction and loss of life. As an Open Doors local partner, Abby* is committed to visiting God’s people, bringing comfort and practical aid. Here, she shares how Christians in the region are coping. Open Doors Prayer News 298 (September-October 2023) Find out more at *Name changed for security reasons

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“Villages are burnt down. People are threatened forced to leave, to runaway. And many people who are old, who could not run have stayed back, they have lost their lives. Many people have lost their dear ones. Many people have been separated from their families. There are children who are without parents. We need to pray for Manipur.”

In May 2023, deadly violence broke out in Manipur, Northeast India, leading to much physical destruction and loss of life. Although it is an ethnic conflict it is one with religious overtones where Christians are being specifically targeted.


“It is a religious issue because when we look at the ground reality there are many villages where people are going, these groups are going announcing over the microphones and saying that you either have to leave your faith or by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we are just going to come and burn down your houses and villages. The church properties are burned down. Bible schools are burned down. Shops and other properties belonging to Christians are broken down, burned down, looted. So yes, this is truly persecution we see.”

Despite the devastation they have suffered, Christians in Manipur are still holding on to their faith.


“The people are filled with emotions. The people are angry at the same time. And we can understand that because it is human emotion. But we could see a lot of faith during this time. This was very impressive and very encouraging because the only thing that people have left is their faith in God. And this is what we want people to pray for.  For the people of Manipur to stand strong in their faith.”

As an Open Doors local partner, Abby is committed to visiting God’s people, bringing comfort and practical aid.


“They are in need of housing, they are in need of safety, they are in need of support. They are in need of medical help, they are in need of food. We are providing them with groceries. And we are trying to meet the people and trying to listen to their stories. And we are supporting them with prayer, giving them counselling and listening to their needs.”

For Abby travelling to Manipur is dangerous, but it is a risk she’s willing to take.


“We are entering into a new land; it’s a new state. And when I went over there, I look different from them and I do not know the language. I do not know where to go. And there is no internet or GPS. And the roads are bad. So it is very risky to travel through the jungles and the bad roads and to travel for 15+ hours in the night. But wherever God wants us to go whatever he wants us to do for the people as long as He wants and as long as we are able I want to be going and I want to be meeting the people. We know it’s difficult but it is all for the glory of the Lord

Story Info:

Date filmed: Sep, 2023

Location (city, country): Manipur, India

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