Broadcasting God's Peace to Viewers in the Middle East

Broadcasting God’s Peace to Viewers in the Middle East

Since the conflict in the Middle East began Christian satellite TV ministry SAT 7 has been broadcasting a message of hope and God’s peace throughout the region.

GNA reporter Peter Wooding finds out how the SAT 7 team are sharing the hope of Christ with their viewers from their studios in Lebanon.


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While there are fears that the Middle East conflict could escalate in Lebanon Christian satellite TV broadcaster SAT 7 is providing special programming and spiritual support to those impacted by the tensions there.

As well as providing one on one counselling and prayers with their viewers who are being affected by the conflict they are broadcasting a show called the Voice of the Church.

Marianne Amaraji the Audience Relations Manager for SAT 7 Arabic channels shares one example of how they are helping people find true peace in Christ at this time:

He started doubting where he’s going to be after this.  So we had launched a messaging campaign about fear from death and this Christian boy was asking the question where am I going to end up. I keep on sinning and I’m afraid of death. And we walked him through the journey of God the loving father. And after long discussions with him he started reading the Bible and committed his life to Christ again.

And SAT 7 Arabic channels continue to broadcast a message of hope in the midst of this conflict not just in Lebanon but throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Peter Wooding reporting for the Global News Alliance.

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