Kristie Higgs: a Monumental Victory for Christian Freedoms in the UK

Kristie Higgs: a Monumental Victory for Christian Freedoms in the UK

On 12 February 2025, Christian teacher Kristie Higgs won her landmark free speech case at the Court of Appeal.

In a seminal judgment for Christian freedom and free speech, the Court of Appeal reversed a ruling which defended the dismissal of Kristie Higgs from Farmor’s School in Gloucestershire for raising concern on Facebook about extreme sex education and transgender ideology being taught in her son’s Church of England primary school.

Kristie was joined by fellow clients of the Christian Legal Centre outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, England – as they stood with her after also receiving retribution for speaking about their Christian faith.

Source: Kristie Higgs wins as Court of Appeal rules dismissal for free speech is illegal – Christian Concern

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Andrew Marsh – Christian Concern
Today is a very important day. This is a very significant judgement and we’re delighted for Kristie and her family who have endured such a long battle and journey to get to this point.

Today’s ruling should be greeted with relief, but also celebration by all those who really care for true freedom in this country for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom for parents to take an interest to be involved in decisions that effecting the education of their own children. And freedom for Christians to live and speak for Jesus Christ.

Kristie Wiggs
It’s really good news, not just for me but for other Christians and I’m just so grateful to God that we’ve got this result and yes it’s good for my boys to see that standing for truth, standing on God’s word is worth it.

Today’s judgement is as important for free speech as it is for freedom of religion. Christians have the right to express their beliefs on social media as other non work related things without fear of being punished by their employer.

Story Provided By:
Christian Concern

Producing Organization
Christian Concern

Recording Location
London, England

Organization featured in this Story
Christian Concern –

People Interviewed and their Titles
Kristie Higgs – Christian Legal Center Client

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