Ukraine Sukkot Jewish Youth Festivity

Ukraine Sukkot Jewish Youth Festivity

Networking under the Tabernacles – a Sukkot youth event organized by the Gut Fruit platform. Jewish music and dancing, introduction to the Jewish traditions, a charity collection, lots of fellowship and, of course, lots of goodies. Feel the atmosphere of the event in our new story.

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Young people like to hang out, this is an event, a platform where you can just hang out because the format is so laid back and chill. There aren’t any contests, there’s no concert program. It’s like for grown-ups! You just come to experience the different booths, there are 5 of them.
The first booth is our mishpakha booth. Next, there’s a tzedakha booth where you can make your donation, or leave a kind note for our military. There’s also a Jewish food booth. And a tefillah booth where you can write a letter to God.
We encourage people to write more because their petitions will be heard for sure. Ushpizin means “unexpected guests”. What I mean is that a family lives for a whole week in this construction that is called a booth. On a feast like this one it’s important that your booth is open for different
Ushpizin or “unexpected guests”. We set this table for our guests in honor of Sukkot. We are playing a game here we have different cards and people need to make a Jewish dish using these cards. And the one who does it right will get a prize.
At the Mishpakha booth, which means “family” in Hebrew, we make little gifts for everyone. I feel at home.
My friend invited me, she is a very active member of our congregation and constantly takes part in different festivities. She invited me to join and I love the fact there are so many people here and it’s so much fun.
The value of these events for young people is that they can truly feel needed and accepted. They can find new friends and simply feel refreshed. There are lots of challenging moments in our country, for our people, and for our soldiers. We need events that unite people and immerse them in this great atmosphere with tasty food, warm fellowship, and also bring a more joy.

Story Provided By:

Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation

Producing Organization

Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation

Recording Location

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