Taiwan missionaries take the gospel to Cambodia

Taiwan missionaries take the gospel to Cambodia

All it takes is a passion for the lost and anyone can be a missionary. 18 years ago A-wa and Linda were called to cross-cultural mission. They supported themselves by making and selling coconut-shell crafts, training up 7 local leaders, and gradually becoming established in their mission field.



All it takes is a passion for the lost and anyone can be a missionary. 18 years ago A-wa and Linda were called to cross-cultural mission. After 6 months of training from CCMN they were sent to Cambodia by Wugu Local Church. They were the first missionaries sent out by Wugu Local Church. The church and CCMN supported them through illness, broken bones and the COVID pandemic. They returned to Taiwan for medical treatment but relying on God’s guidance they overcame every evil. They supported themselves by making and selling coconut-shell crafts, training up 7 local leaders, and gradually becoming established in their mission field.

A-wa: Missionary to Cambodia

I received this call to missions two years after we were married. We attended a missions conference. There, Pastor Li-ming Wang of CCMN shared this message. He said: Do you know there are nearly  2 billion people in the world who have never heard the gospel? I was shocked to hear this message. He said, that means those 2 billion have never even heard Jesus’ name. When I heard that, I cried and cried. Throughout the whole conference whenever I heard about the unreached I would just cry and cry. I was deeply moved by this call to reach the unreached.

Pastor Tian-you Wang: Wugu Local Church

The advantage of being sent from the church is that all the missionaries are trained by the church, sent by the church, shepherded by the church, and provided for by the church.
So with these missionaries in Cambodia for 18 years, It’s not just the pastors who care for them. All our brothers and sisters care for them together. Beyond short-term trips every year, whatever other need they have we support them wholeheartedly.

A-wa: Missionary to Cambodia

So I believe church-based missions gets all our people involved in supporting missions and meeting our needs.

Pastor Tian-you Wang: Wugu Local Church

Our missionaries to Cambodia realized that unemployment is a serious problem for young people in Cambodia, so God put it on their hearts, and they made use of what they had, because Cambodia has coconut shells, so they developed a factory to make coconut-shell crafts.

A-wa: Missionary to Cambodia

We’re so grateful for the factory because it supported our local team from 2009 up to today. The income from the factory provides their salaries. We have 7 local coworkers now. It’s really very challenging for these local coworkers. It’s a huge challenge for them. They have to face their families, rejection in their villages, and from friends and so forth, so it’s very difficult for them, but I’m very grateful that God has raised up this group of faithful Cambodians. When they serve together with us they realize that they too can reach out to those who don’t yet know Jesus. Now I hope to focus my efforts on training local leaders, So this September we will open an MTC (Ministry Training Center). I hope to train more local leaders through this MTC, and send out local leaders to different districts and villages to spread the gospel. I hope that someday our team can send out Cambodian missionaries to other countries as well. That may seem impossible, but I believe what seems impossible to man is possible with God.

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